Attention Experiments.

2 min attention span required

“Pay attention to what you pay attention to.”
-Amy Krouse Rosenthal

In the intense Attention Economy we often lose sight of what really matters to us personally.
What sparks your interest?
What do you want to focus on?
Do you really focus on things that you wish to pay
attention to?


In order to find answers to those questions I underwent three different experiments that I documented on this website. My intention was to focus on things and people that were NOT asking for my attention.

click me
click me
click me


As my main inspiration tool for the attention exercises I used the book “The Art of Noticing” by Rob Walker.

Attention Economy.

The Web and the Net are spaces in which we will increasingly live our lives. 2020 has proved that point even more. The Cyberspace works under a specific set of rules and laws that turn out to be quite different from what main economic or political models teach. The current era is often referred to as 'Information Age'. Theorist Michael H. Goldhaber argues that this title might be misleading as economies are always dealing with scarce resources. Information though is an infinite resource.
In fact, there is so much content out there for anyone that it seems impossible to use it to its full potential. (Goss, Forbes)

"We’re all participating in a cleverly orchestrated, capitalistic symphony, shrink-wrapped in the feel-good rhetoric of something called the Attention Economy."

What counts most is what is most scarce. Our attention. Therefore we are living in an Attention Economy.


Attention describes how we actively process specific information in our environment. As you are reading this text, there are numerous stimuli that affect your attention. The pressure of your feet against the floor, the temperature in your surroundings, the sight when you look up, the memory of the last conversation you had or the gifs that are flying around on that website.
Think of
attention as a highlighter.
It’s about centering a focus on particular things while ignoring a great deal of competing information and stimuli. (Kendra Cherry


Nowadays every company is trying to get your attention and the battle is extremely intense. (Michael H. Goldhaber)

“In the online economy, revenue is a function of continuous consumer attention — which is measured in clicks and time spent.”
-The Guardian

Let’s end the intro with a quote of Tim Wu who is convinced that:

“Over the coming century, the most vital human resource in need of conversation and protection is likely to be our own consciousness and mental space.”
